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HI all.... Okay so I was inspired. My friend Keith was telling me about a goofy little email he got a while back that involved little badgers popping up and down and the montone music "Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers" and then the scene would change and show a picture of a mushroom, and the song would change to strains of "MUSHrooms MUSHROOMS?" then it would repeat the "Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers" & Mushrooms a few more times and then all of a sudden the the tone and tempo would go all wierd and the song would squeal, "A SNAKE a snaaaake oh no it's a snnAAAaake...." And then just loop like that over and over. I was intrigued but Keith couldn't figure out where his friend got that website and he had erased the email. So then this guy, Richard, I know at work said that I resemble a badger. That is, apparently I am cute but don't back me into a corner. He insisted it was a complement. Anyway I remembered the website Keith was talking about and mentioned it to him.About a week later Richard told me he found the website: it's at www.badgerbadgerbadger.comI finally have the website! I don't know, some people don't get it, but the point is there isn't any point to it. I think that's why it's so darn funny. Anyway here are a few more odd sites you can check out!SPOOF ADS, Ad Parodies, and phony ads: weird? a Penn & Teller sort of humour: how about where I found this picture!
Instead of Leap Frog, we see a wolf playing Leap Sheep! *LOL*
And these ones, too...

Leah's giant kitties, Meeka and Tiko (Tiko has the little white mustache). Cute as hell, unless you try to give them a bath. "Play! Play! We want to play! NOW!"

Some Candid Car Camera: I was in the passenger seat in front and I got a little snap-happy. Carla, Keith and Leah were sitting in the back, and David was giving Leah a break & driving the car (Leah is an awesome hostess - she did a terrific steak barbecue with potatoes and salad and sausage; she drove us all over Saskatoon from the Berry Barn to the store to the Saskatoon Zoo, etc; plus she lets us use her vehicle and with gas prices being as high as they are, that's saying something!)
A very nice picture of Keith & Carla, and Holly and David in front of the gopher exhibit. Thanks for the photo, Leah! I don't know about anyone else but my favourite spot at the zoo was the gophers!
Dang, no wonder I can't never make no calls to no one... Ain't no wires attached!
Uh dunno Brandine... Uh think we should jest dig uhselves the new latrine over he-yah instead.
Dang, I think there's a meteor down thar!
Lookouts: Nobody comin' yet.Digger: Just a few more feet an' we can git the heck outta this here en-closure. What's that? Some 'un say feedin' time? Oh we-yell, I ken put it off a little longer.
And then when the zoo closes tonight I'll come by your place and - - hey! What are YOU looking at! Get that camera outta here! @$%&@#* papparazi!
A Swift Fox has a quick nap - wow! Look at 'im go!
Leah: OK, it's easier to get out when the car is at a complete stop!
Despite a CBC shut-out the Summer Games were a success; despite a City Strike, life still managed to go on without busses and not very consistent public service or garbage disposal...
Although we rarely saw a city worker without a sandwich board or a picket, we saw this little guy a lot - hopefully he's digging a nice drainage ditch under under our garage to improve the spring drainage! He seems to work for peanuts and the ocassional slice of apple!
Rob came down from Edmonton to visit with us... Here he is in their backyard. Malcolm and Sandi went down to the Grand Canyon with Doris and Ward later on in the summer.
Chris came by mom and dad's and made SUSHI... Or something like Sushi that I can't pronounce. It was the same servings only cooked and reeeeally delicious. Served plain or with WASABI in very small quantities!!! Rice, shrimp, clams, nuts, chicken or other assortments; all wrapped in seaweed. Here he is wrapping some with bamboo. After you wrap, you slice and then, voila: small and round bite-sized and delectible.
Here are David and I in back of the big hill near Douglas Park. Just behind us is Wascana Lake, and you can see the Saskatchewan Science Centre over to the left in Holly's picture. In the background you can see the city skyline.
Steve Fearns came in and David worked at the Exhibition grounds this summer... They sold Glue - good stuff: sticks to anything, dries immediately without the solvents and has staying power: yet if you get it on your skin it safely comes off if you soak it/wash it long enough in hot soapy water.
Snifter (mom and dad's dog) visiting with David at our house. He's a Shi-tzu and we tend to think of him as an idiot sauvant!