1 Point of View:
"Hey just me... I do not think it would be very easy to try to organize any kind of game or anything like that...too loud, too crowded, too tough. People are likely more into visiting or having an excuse to have a few drinks. It's tricky to try to plan anything else at a public place. It would be different if the party was at a house or something but it's a bit more difficult at a bar. As for a game of poker-- hard to say if the bar would allow that (could be considered gambling). Just my thought."
2nd Point of View:
"Personally, the reason i'm coming that night is to just chat and catch up with people. I've never been a huge fan of board games (or those that don't involve a certain level of gambling.. lol). So I probably wouldn't be as inclined to stay as late if there was anything like that going on, but that's just me."
3rd POV:
"well could bring some games if you want. you wouldn't happen to know if anyone has a portable karaokee machine or if could rent one though? that might be another way to go. cranium, trivial pursuit, even charades would be good. Things that get people to participate in something are usually good. Maybe divide up people into teams for that. the champ from each team could go on to play against the other winners from the other teams. can have a variety of games to choose from just so people dont get stuck with one they dont like. or if someone gets a karaoke machine that would work too. Hope this helps you out on ideas for entertaining :)"
4rth POV:
"holly my thought is if theres music its all good because most ppl will be coming to visit and having a bit of background noise is good. however games i'm not too sure having this big of a crowd is going to be interested in playing games. some maybe but most not likely... just seeing friends they used to work with and finding out how they are is what i'm going to be coming for.. but if you wanna bring a few games go hard.. ;)"
5th POV:
My personal opinion is that if you are afraid that there is going to be down time and you want to be able to mix it up a bit in case of boredom, sure! Bring some cards and game ideas :-D. It's better to be over prepared in my opinion. Game wise, I agree that board games etc should be out unless you just bring trivia i.e. just the trivia cards out of the trivial pursuit game. But definitely playing cards if you want to be prepared :-) Have I rsvp'd at all? I'm pretty sure I will show for a bit.
6th POV:
Take the cards. Don't plan to use them. If you need to liven up the party, then bring them out. People will come and the night will pick up momentum, before you know it the party will be in full swing.
Easy to clean up, doesn't take a lot of space up, no pieces to lose, legal, doesn't require a lot of thought, encourages socializing, alcohol is optional, the game is optional.
I am interested in your responses, so if you have a strong feeling about something, maybe we can still work things out!