David's in his birthday suit already!!

Carla and Keith came over for the celebration.

I tried to cook, or at least not burn anything on the firepit other than what was supposed to burn.

David and Leah!
Last summer Joline (David's Ma from Florida) and David and I went to Alberta. It was HOT! I'm talking in the high 30s in Celsius or near 100 in Fahrenheit: no exaggeration! We got cooled off in the mountains, thank goodness: we saw some wildlife, and some of them were my relatives!
Here we are at the Saskatoon Berry Barn http://www.theberrybarn.com/ on the way to Edmonton. If you think you've ever had the best Belgian Waffle in the world, you must have gone here! They let you pick your own toppings, and their specialty is Saskatoon Berries. Never had a Saskatoon Berry (you did if you had Juneberries or Service Berries)? Check this link out for more information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneberry
We stayed at the CEDAR PARK BEST WESTERN: when you have CAA and a Best Western Points card you can earn points and get a free continental breakfast (or get a regular breakfast minus the cost of a continental breakfast). They were great and looked after us well.
Here is Gainer, our Saskatchewan Roughrider mascot: he decided to travel with us and insisted on staying in his own room. Gainer's photo op with Hello Kitty at the Build-a-Bear at the West Edmonton Mall. http://www.buildabear.com/aboutUs/OurCompany/Process.aspx
Here is Robin, my brother and Joline and David at the West Edmonton Mall.
I think Rob was rather startled by Gainer. I didn't think Rob had been away from Saskatchewan that long! THE SANTA MARIA at the West Edmonton Mall.
At the Botanical Gardens http://www.devonian.ualberta.ca/ The Japanese Garden section.
Grace and Rob...
Mom and son, Joline and David...
Joline, David and me (Holly).
The Butterflies at the Botanical Gardens.
Gainer sees a limo drive by...
Here's the cousin (THANKS JENN!) who supplied us with tickets to YUK YUK's!
Here's the cousin, Mike, (with my brother, Robin) who gives us the Dr. Evil Impressions (we aren't sure who Rob is impersonating).
Doris, David, Steve and Joline at YukYuk's.
Gainer has some of Grace's famous Ice Green Tea.
On the way to the Columbia Ice Field.
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