Friday, December 29, 2006

Hello Xolo!

If you are looking for the perfect dog, I think we found it. It is known as the Mexican Hairless or xoloitzcuintli (pronounced show-low-etz-queent-lee): for a bit of history on this loyal family-oriented friend, please check out this link: HISTORY

A plus is that it is non-shedding for those of us, like myself, who have allergies and asthma. There are some Xolo rescue websites and I am keeping an eye on this one if you would also like a peek: RESCUE

There are three sizes of the breed: Toy is smallest 13 inches or smaller; Miniature is taller than 13 and up to 18 inches tall; Standard size is above 18 inches to 23 inches. Here are a few pictures...

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