Monday, July 02, 2007


WEAR SUNSCREEN and STAY HYDRATED! Make sure if you are drinking that you have transportation arranged. It's a drop in: you don't have to come at the beginning and stay until the end... You can come and go when you please!

We have a very small house with one bathroom, but there is plenty of parking out front & to the South of us (no houses on those sides of the street and we are right in front of a cul-de-sac) the backyard & surrounding area is gorgeous this time of year. It has lots of sunlight in it early in the day and shade that comes later in the day (there are lots of trees).

POTLUCK & BYOB (bring your own beverage) & BYOF (bring your own food):
Because this is turning more into one of those last minute things, I suggest everyone just bring their own food & BYOB if they like & we'll provide a place to cook it and eat if off of and store it! LOL Please let me know on Holly Freeman (that's my profile) on Facebook or emailing me or posting at the bottom of this post here (it goes to my email).

We'll supply:
firepit & gas camp stove
firepit wood/burquettes
cooler and ice
2 fridges
4 lawnchairs
citronella candles
paper plates, cups & plastic cutlery
paper towels
shady trees, green grass, semi-enclosed backyard
garbage bags

HOLLY'S "O'PiWaCaMaPa Punch"(O = Orange; Pi = Pineapple; Wa = Watermelon; Ca = Cantaloupe; Ma = Mango; Pa = Papaya): So I finished the fruit mix... We're freezing it and then putting it in the fridge Fri to start softening it a bit.
I basically blended 1 cantaloupe, 2 mango, 1 papaya, 1 small watermelon, 1 sweet pineapple, and a bag of oranges (roughly 2 litres when blended) with 2 litres of Sprite/7Up.
8) So in total it's about 4 Litres of tropical blended real fruit with 7Up.

HOLLY & DAVID's JELLO DEVIL'S TOWER: A multi-Layer Jello Tower that may end up more like a fallen pillar than a tower...
So far we have built up several layers:
Strawberry>>>>>>>>>Italian Wine (actually from Italy)
Lime>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Coconut Rum
Peach>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lemon Vodka
Blue Raspberry>>>>>Cherry Whiskey
Orange>>>>>>>>>>>>Lemon Vodka
Grape>>>>>>>>>>>>>Watermelon Vodka
Peach>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mango-Citrus Wine
Strawberry>>>>>>>>>Guanabana & Pineapple Bacardi Breezer
Lemon>>>>>>>>>>>Tropical Orange Smooth Bacardi Breezer

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