Goldenmound shrub...
Red Flax:
A poppy...
Our huge side-yard... Potential for an addition or a corral...
The front view of the house in summer of 2009 in all the shade from the Elms and Pine trees...
Me and David Barbecuing in the back yard...
Inside view from the front door to the kitchen area...
Hollyhocks at the bathroom window... Perhaps we should have grown something with more aroma... lol
Our resident bunny... He doesn't seem to cause much trouble. He mostly just sits under our trees resting in the shade or sheltering from the rain...
Our new dishwasher from David's mom, Joline... We couldn't install a built-in because our wiring & plumbing is weird. We live on a concrete pad with no basement, so for some reason, our plumbing is on the outside of the wall, but inside our kitchen cupboards.
The livingroom... Yes the furniture was from the Brick. No we didn't get all our furniture at once... We got our loveseat in November 2008 and our couch in March of 2009.
Did I mention we moved into this place in October of 2008? Well it has been mentioned now...
(above) One of the shots inside the house from the front door to the kitchen...
Crab apple tree outside our house between the garage and house...
Lambs Ear!
Snow-on-the-mountain in the summer time!
Pine Tree: home to squirrels...
Part of the side yard...
The view from the garage to the house in the backyard...
The Front Door in the winter: 2008