Far left -- Mary, Doris, Donna on the picnic table; in the middle, back to front -- Kathy, Don, Teresa, Brian; on the far right -- Cheryl, Linda, Gramma and Sandi...
Yummy Birthday Cake from Costco! 8D
Gramma and Linda, in the front on the left; behind the table -- Malcolm, Sandi, Bob; Mary and Doris on the picnic table on the far right...
MMMmmm... Golfing, anyone? 8d
Gramma takes her first peek at her Birthday Present: the scrapbook with all her kids, grandkids and great-grandkids...
L-R: Chris, David, Laurel & Paul (in back), Alex in the middle with Abbie in front on her lap, Jodi-Lynn presenting the photo scrapbook to Gramma... Hiding behind Gramma is Matt (I think), Tyler, Luca, Sam, Brandon and Mary...
Another quick pic of Sandi, Jodi-Lynn, Gramma and Matt...
Gramma kicking back in the shade; in the background Doris, Jenn, Kathy, Brian, & Malcolm...
Now THAT'S a beautiful smile! 8D Love you Gramma! X X O O
Me and JL posin'...
Chris hanging out with Dakota....
Traci, Bob and Doris... Aha! Finally got a shot of Traci and Bob! Did I mention Bob just did a tri-athlon .5 iron-man competition and then came out to visit Gramma on her birthday?
Hm... I was worried I might run into some crazy mountain man, but this looks like a relatively sane foothills husband. Ain't he cute? 8D
Alex and Abbie hangin' out...
I had no idea an Alpaca kid was called a Cria...
I was like, okay, how about taking the picture right NOW!?!?
Gainer is such a show-off... He liked watching the Alpacas from a distance but he declined a bare-back ride.
Nice of David to get a shot or two of me, as I tend to take all the pictures... lol
It's Brian... I mean Sean.... lol
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